Blogspot: How to insert an internal cross-reference using anchor points
In case anyone is still trying to figure out how to insert links to other items within a single blog, try this remedy. No guarantees, of course, but it worked for me.... A. Inserting an internal cross-reference using anchor points If you are someone who occasionally authors quite long blogs as I do, it can be helpful to your readers to provide links within the blog to other paragraphs or footnotes. I haven't so far found an option for creating internal links with the current Blogspot offering – the only option available seems to be creating links to external sites via their full URLs (I may have missed something, so please let me know if you have found one). You can, however, insert appropriate HTML code to create internal links yourself, since Blogspot does allow access to the HTML version of your blog directly via the 'Compose/HTML' toggle switch (mid-left of the display). This may seem daunting if you haven't handled HTML code before your...