On Having Kids…
Thought I’d share some entertaining, if rather jaundiced, views on this subject communicated to me recently by an acquaintance (presumably their views were based on personal experience of family life, and may of course not be typical):
“…You spend the first 3 years teaching them to walk and talk…then the next 15 trying to get them to sit down and shut up. And of course when they're teenagers, everything's always 'so unfair'...
When they reach 'technical' adulthood, is that the end of it ? – not a chance…..
They'll then stay at home for the next 20 years or so ‘cos
they can’t be bothered to save up for a house, and just sit around looking at their iPhones. They expect you to feed them and babysit their kids when they’re out gallivanting. (Can’t have you off
travelling the world and spending their inheritance, after all, can they ?). They also cost you an arm and a leg* in the process.
When they’ve finally moved out and you think you’ll actually get a bit of peace, they’re back on a
regular basis for subs. whenever they feel like it, and nosing around to see
how much they’ll get when you snuff it.
When you’re in your dotage and finally need some real
help from them, they b****r off skiing
or exploring India or some other such place….”
Their verdict and recommendation: "...for the sake of your sanity, your personal freedom...and your bank balance....Don’t…"
* A recent report suggests that the total cost of raising a child to adulthood is now £230,000 (Metro,29.4.24 p14). While this is probably an overestimate, it only takes into account costs to age 18. When university fees and any other post-18 expenses are taken into account the true cumulative figure may be much higher. Given the cost of living crisis and the need to economise, it illustrates the gravity of a decision to reproduce....
First Published 10.4.24
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