How likely is it that your email will be hacked ?
Unfortunately it's more likely than you might think….here’s why. There are a host of opportunities for a would-be hacker to find a way into your email account, and some of the 'professionals' are really expert at it. We’re all familiar with many of these methods, ranging from phishing emails designed to elicit personal info from you by purporting to be someone else, to the use of ‘easy to guess’ account passwords which never get changed. I won’t list them all here, but the results are worrying, particularly when it comes to more vulnerable individuals, or those who are not sufficiently ‘computer savvy’ to realise the dangers. One into your account, hackers can usually glean enough info to steal your identity. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), there were 1,291 publicly reported data breaches and ca 166 million victims in 2022 - if taken at face value, this means there's a good chance that hackers may already have access to your email account...