
Showing posts from December, 2024

Could this be the ‘beginning of the end’ for Starmer ?

  Keir Starmer’s speech last week was ostensibly intended to ‘rouse the troops’ and help drive his policies forward. It was also probably also staged by his advisors now as an attempt at a ‘soft reset’,  aimed at erasing as far as possible in our memories the decidedly shaky start his first 5 months in government have produced.  In this it was somewhat naïve, to say the least, given the magnitude and the almost universal unpopularity of the changes he has made. The tone of his address was even more inappropriate for the intended task and merely added insult to injury…. In playing the ‘aggrieved boss’, as Laura Kuenssberg so aptly puts it, he made his big (and possibly eventually fatal) mistake. By effectively ‘slanging-off’ his civil servants as being slow, inefficient and sometimes downright obstructive,   he will have made many more enemies amongst a key group of his government support team.  The bulk of civil servants are hard-working and highly skilled ...

Is the current UK Electricity and Gas pricing structure fair to consumers ?

  In a word, no..... Why ? Before I try to answer this question, here's some relevant background info.  In less straitened times, much more competition existed in the energy supply marketplace, and some quite competitive offers were available, particularly from new suppliers wanting to increase their market share. Amongst these deals were some involving tariffs which were ‘no standing charge’ i.e. you paid a higher unit rate for your gas and electricity, and only paid for the units you used, which were all priced at this higher rate.  This benefited low users of gas and electricity, and at the time these tariffs started to appear they were hailed by environmentalists as a much fairer and greener way of charging customers, given the urgent need for us all to consume less of the fossil fuels we use to power our boilers and generate our electricity. The recent upsurge in ‘raw’ gas and electricity prices, and the desire of the power supply companies to maintain their pr...

Climate Change - Whatever happened to the Next Ice-Age ? It may still be coming...and sooner than we think

  A midst all the discussion about the perils of global warming, there has been no mention recently of when we might expect the start of the next Ice-Age.... This was a topic that hit the headlines some years ago and was all the rage for a year or two before fading into obscurity. It is probably no coincidence that this media fade-out coincided with the increased coverage in the media about global warming and its wider implications for our future well-being. There is now no doubt that our climate is warming – and doing so quite rapidly. There is also little doubt that our large-scale release of greenhouse gases since the dawn of the industrial era in the early 1800s will have contributed significantly to this process. However, despite the views of some environmentalists, our planet and its atmosphere are chaotic and unpredictable beasts, and the jury is still out on whether ‘man-made’ climate warming is the principal, let alone the only, contributor.  We need to look at...

UK’s ‘Broken’ Immigration System – how could we fix it ?

I first published this blog in November 2022 at a time when we were nearing the 50,000 mark for small-boat illegal channel migrants arriving in UK. Although many of the arguments are still valid, I've revised the content to reflect the current change in 'mood music' with the EU and the more robust home office stance announced, in the hope that some of the suggestions may prove useful in determining future government policy. ***** This is a particularly controversial topic, and has been foremost in our minds in UK since Putin’s Ukraine invasion and its migratory aftermath.  There are no hard and fast solutions to what is now effectively a global problem, but I'll attempt to provide some suggestions, and will focus primarily on our own issues with controlling illegal migration to the UK. The many crises and disasters occurring in other parts of the world are continuing to drive further migration ‘waves’ and will continue to do so over the coming years as resources beco...