Are Labour’s Policy Decisions Biased Against Those Who Traditionally Don’t Support Them ?
The direction of travel indicated by the new Labour government’s policy decisions since July has left a significant question in the minds of many of us: “Are they based solely on a desire to get the country moving again after a period of stagnation, or is there a large element of vindictiveness against those who traditionally have not supported Labour ?” Firstly, why is this question important, given that Labour is unlikely to be challenged in a General Election again before 2029 ? It’s because the answer will determine whether we do actually manage to dig ourselves out of the slippery economic and social ‘pit’ we’ve fallen into, or just keep slipping back down the sides, again and again….it’s also precisely because the new government is so unchallengeable from a parliamentary point of view that we need to know the true nature of their motives. This may help us to predict what is to come. Let’s look at the evidence we have so far. The principal decisions made since taki...