
Showing posts from July, 2024

Whither our UK NHS ?

The NHS is 75 years old, and one of our most prized institutions. As you'll see from the analysis below, it is now  sorely in need of medical assistance   itself . How can we save it from its terminal decline ? Editors note: This blog was first published in August 2022 - in view of the steady deterioration in the service since then, which has now reached crisis point, not least because of the ongoing industrial action, I've  updated it to reflect the changes. The Election result has finally introduced some real soul-searching amongst politicians as to why the current funding and organisational model of the NHS is failing...unfortunately this is likely to be a tough nut to crack without a radical change in its funding model - which any Labour government would find difficult to square with its ideology. Neveretheless, I stand by the original recommendation of a radical funding model revamp with significant structural integration - only this will achieve adequate efficiency and fu

UK's Political System – Does it need Reform ?

 I first published this blog in October 2022. Since then, if anything the political wrangling has worsened, and opinion in the UK became even more polarised in the run up to the July election. Many now argue that the results suggested a voting system at odds with the will of the electorate. Time then, perhaps, for a second look at possible alternative systems.... Introduction The events of the past three years, and in particular the last few months, have shown us that UK politics have entered a state of turmoil that we haven’t seen since the 1970s. As an institution, our post-war political system has never been particularly trouble-free, and the increasingly fractious state of our world is placing ever more strain on both the system and those in charge of it. Can anything be done to improve things, and make our politics more resilient in the face of worldwide changes to come ? Why should we change anything ? Radical change in any system should always be carefully considered and